
Zapier is a workflow automation platform that enables you to connect ShopSurvey to over 5,000+ registered apps.

While we are working to cover the popular tools used by Shopify merchants natively, Zapier allows you to customize and easily integrate ShopSurvey into your existing workflows.

To connect Zapier and ShopSurvey, go to the Integrations page in the ShopSurvey dashboard and click connect Zapier:

You will then see the Instructions Card for setting up Zapier:

While we are in Private Beta for our initial Zapier release, you must click the "Add ShopSurvey to Zapier" button and accept our private invitation to use ShopSurvey on Zapier.

You can also click the link here:

At this point, ShopSurvey will now be available to you within Zapier.

You can then create new Zaps using ShopSurvey triggers or add ShopSurvey actions to your existing Zaps. You will need to paste in the API Key from the Zapier Instructions Card (Step 3) when prompted to on Zapier.

Now that Zapier & ShopSurvey are connected, you can create new Zaps that trigger off of New Survey Responses and New/Updated Respondent records.

You can also set up Zaps with ShopSurvey actions to Create Audiences, Create Respondents, Add Respondents to an Audience, and Send Survey Invitations.

Using Zapier, you will be able to connect your ShopSurvey account a vast library of over 5,000+ apps.

Last updated